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Hot Literati has a new Babysitter

Little Deaths/Little Delights, Dinner with Ex, Aging, and Free Shots

Happy Sunday. I bought paper towels from one grocery store and left them at the self checkout of another. When I get my most engaged in creating anything is when I get my spaciest. But it's also when I'm my happiest. I've had people close to me claim that I'm never present, but I've also had people (𓏗𓏗okay, someone) watch me visibly trail off over and over and say that they love my mind.

So much of life is the company that you keep and what version of yourself they allow you to be. For the past 6 months, since bringing on contributors, I have been astonished and viscerally grateful. They are incredible. All of our minds wander and somehow they land in a beautiful formation with one another.

I'm so grateful to have this community, to be "Mommy Literati," but I also want to give each of the contributors a proper chance to really shine and connect with you all, which is why each of them will be "babysitting" the Hot Literati Universe for a bit. I'm hoping this will give you a chance to really immerse yourself in their writing, their obsessions, so on and so forth. Aand I'm hoping it will give them a chance to understand who they want to be (and are) as a writer in this strange digital age in which we find ourselves. I've been on the internet for so long. It's shaped so much of me. I think this video shows a decent snapshot of who am I now. And it also reveals who you all will be spending time with next. (Watch the video before reading the rest! Don't spoil it for yourself ʚїɞ)

I'll still be here popping in with updates and to say hello, but they will be the Literati in charge for a bit. Consider the baton passed.

I will be running out now for new paper towels.

Say hi to Ananya. Treat her well.

xo, Hailo

Hi, I'm Ananya.

I'm going to be babysitting the Literati Universe for the next couple weeks.

I love the Literati Universe. I'm really looking forward to sharing the little corners of the internet + world that catch my attention and push me to live intentionally. It feels like being the discussion leader in class, shaping the beginning of a really special conversation. It's a new challenge. I'm scared to mess up especially because I don't know what messing up looks like yet in this context. And I don't wanna drop the baby, you know?

Historically, my most special aha moments are born from discomfort. So I know there is value in pushing myself to play this role and I hope that I am able to share that value with you all. And I'm even more excited for what this kicks off; a passing of the baton that will continue through the chain of Hot Literati writers, each with their own unique corners of internet/IRL to share.

That being said, I've added some little deaths/delights + a (re)Cognition summer task for you down below. Stay hot, cool and well-read -- talk soon<3


  • Algorithm blindness -  Certainly writing about this soon. Made me think about the delight of randomness. 

  • Speaking before thinking - Someone asked me which writer I would never wear on a shirt. I said Freud before without missing a beat. My actual answer is that I haven’t yet read broadly enough to have a real answer to that question. Trying to take a breath before talking is my challenge of the week. 

  • Aging without living - Had a strange encounter with an older woman in SoHo during a night out w/the Literatis. After our interaction, I promised myself I’d keep taking my art seriously.


  • Free shots - A married couple from San Francisco bought me and a friend shots in a non-creepy way <3

  • Necessity breeds innovation - We built a flouch (floor couch) for our absurdly tiny common room by stretching a duvet over a queen-sized mattress topper. My favorite part was when my roommate said “Look, it even pulls out!” and then unfurled the flouch (see below)

  • Earnest Yelp reviews - Recently tried Red Onion in the East Village based on one and I think I’ll add my own soon! 

(re)Cognition summer task, inspired by me finally getting a TV

  • Host a watch party for something you’ve been meaning to watch. A video essay, a movie, a TV show (I’ll be watching season three of The Bear this weekend). Invite people you love, preferably in person. Can be as simple or as elaborate as you’d like. Consume mindfully! 

1 Kommentar

15. Juli


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