and other news
Hello and good evening.

I am still addicted to the sunset. I feel like I'm perpetually in search of an iced coffee I've never actually tasted. Men who want to bother women at the gym are all somehow "trainers" looking to correct one's form.
We meet to discuss the last week of Beloved for book club tomorrow. The options for the next book are as follows:
Brave New World by Huxley
Thinking in Systems by Meadows
Paul takes the form of a mortal girl by Lawlor
The Worlds of Science Fiction (collection of 15 short stories)
In other news
(re)Cognition Summer Tasks
keep them coming we are reading them all and working on the prize xo
The first 14 books (they're numbered in the store) will all come with a written piece by me. Print only. Except instead of a book or collection or post, it's a piece of paper in another book that you bought from the Hot Literati Digital Bookstore.
We also have a super special treat on Saturday (announcing it on thursday though) it will be happening Saturday at 1 pm digitally and irl in New York. We've been dropping hints across the Hot Literati digital universe for a bit. Any guesses?
thank you and goodnight
xo hailo